Development of digital skills of the unemployed aged over 50
Erasmus+ Project KA2
Kick-off meeting in Lodz / Poland from 29th to 30th November 2016
Newsletter No 1 1/12/2016
The aim of the project is the exchange of experiences between the partners about effective ways of the digital inclusion of unemployed persons aged 50+, by motivating them to use new technologies in order to improve their situation in the labour market, overcome the fear of using of information technology and organize activities promoting digital literacy.
Partners of the project:
- BOIE Ltd (Poland)
- AKLUB (the Czech Republic)
- NHE / ECA (Hungary)
- The Elephant: Learning in Diversity B.V (the Netherlands)
The first transnational meeting took place in Lodz/Poland, where is established BOIE Ltd, co-ordinator of this project.
Our team prepared during this meeting:
- Instructions to the desk researches – the task No 1 in the project
- The logo of the project
- The fun page of the project
- Project structure plan with all steps, objectives and responsibilities
- Dissemination plan
- Ways of communication and responsibilities for the development of the different tasks in the project
Next transnational meeting will take place in Deventer (the Netherlands) in March 2017.